- 08
- Nov
Women’s clothing wholesaler
Yi Chen Clothing, your Clothing Production Partner in China
Urang tiasa ngahasilkeun produksi baju kuantitas ageung pikeun Merek Pantun atanapi produksi baju kuantitas alit pikeun saha waé anu hoyong ngagem potongan busana anu unik.
Produksi Skala Leutik pikeun nguji konsép anjeun – MOQ rendah tina 50 potongan per campuran ukuran desain
Produksi Skala Sedeng pikeun merek anu muncul sareng berkembang anu ngembang.
Produksi Skala badag pikeun merek ngadegkeun.

Simply great service of a Clothing Manufacturer in China
On the contrary, you might already have worked in the industry for several years and, thanks to a great understanding of the different phases of the clothing line manufacturing process, you already know how to create fashion technical pack and already have different fabric suppliers that can directly deliver at our apparel factory in China.

In this case, we can directly start the clothing sample making process or the clothes production and sewing. Based on the tech pack and the material, our team of pattern maker and seamstress will be able to manufacture clothes as you request.

Taros Kami:
YiChen Busana Co., Ltd.
Alamat: 2F, No.5 buliding, Riverside Rosd, Taman Perindustrian Jinzhou, Humen Town, Kota Dongguan, Provinsi Guangdong, Cina
Surélék: tina@yichenclothing.com
Whatsapp: 86-17724506710 / 13699844054
WeChat: 17724506710
Halaman Wéb: https://yichenfashion.com/