How to make high quality custom shirts? Where to find cheap high quality custom t-shirts

Yichen fashion makes custom shirt or T-shirt very easy and inexpensive to you ,my friend ,when you wanna order custom shirts,we will give you low prices and providing best price t-shirt printing to you ,We lovely customers.

We have 10 years of printing experience, you can rest assured that We promise our shirt or T shirt prints will last after wash,we are a professional custom shirt and T shirt maker,free custom shirt design,free custom shirt tags,all you need is let us see the custom shirt with picture,and we will customize it for you,give you free samples.

For example:For this shirt,We used the famous shirt fabric imported from Italy.

O1CN01oKRLVr1f6Lqmc1eYJ_!!2016683957 O1CN01lUtSTJ1f6Lqgur1p0_!!2016683957 O1CN01Brhlm11f6LqtGmyun_!!2016683957 O1CN01bL58Wt1f6LqtGkALZ_!!2016683957 O1CN010WGPkI1f6Lqsc2ZzW_!!2016683957 O1CN01UdOBJp1f6Lqp81BBH_!!2016683957 O1CN01sytJOw1f6LqtGlm2u_!!2016683957

And for this T shirt ,we use pima cotton:


Custom Material:We have 100% cotton,95% cotton 5% spandex,65% cotton 35% polyester,100% polyester and so on.We can also do custom material according to your requirements.


Custom Printing:We can do screen printing,heat transfer printing,DTG printing and so on.We will choose the suitable printing method according to your 002 1 005

Custom Sizes:We can do US size,UK size,AU size.We can also do men’s size and women’s size.If you have your own size chart,that
will be great!

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We used Irish linen for this shirt:

O1CN01lKwifi1GCQiIxOehp_!!2196450586 O1CN01fMMsch1GCQiBWkAWQ_!!2196450586 O1CN01EGB3it1GCQiFmAuwJ_!!2196450586 O1CN01AEcoLc1GCQiGMUCgt_!!2196450586 O1CN014m9MJt1GCQiHVhIrd_!!2196450586

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We have a lot of custom garments materials and

fabrics.If you want custom high quality shirts or customize t shirt with real high quality,just let us know .

Yichen Fashion di peydakirina kincên xwerû ji bo mêr û jinan de pêşeng e! WhatsApp: 0086-17724506710 Wechat: 17724506710

E -name:

Ger we ramanek xwerû heye, ji kerema xwe bi me re têkilî daynin!

Tu bi xêr hatî serdana kargehê di her kêliyê de, hevalê min!

Ger hûn bi hevkariyê re eleqedar dibin, hûn her weha bi xêr hatin ku hûn di her kêliyê de li ser serlêdana çi serîlêdanek vîdyoyê bikin. Ez dikarim di her kêliyê de xeta hilberîna kargeha me ji we re destnîşan bikim.


If heke hûn ji kerema xwe navnîşana xwe bihêlin! Em ê nimûneyên qalîteya baş belaş ji we re bişînin !!

Hûn dikarin piştrast bin ku Qalîteya hilberên me dê we bêhêvî neke!


Me li seranserê cîhanê bi gelek marqeyên naskirî re hevkarî kir.

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